In House vs Outsourcing Software Development: Which Is The Better Option?
AGO 31, 2024

In House vs Outsourcing Software Development: Which Is The Better Option?

Facu Gandini
Braintly Co-Founder

Choosing between in-house software development, outstaffing vs outsourcing can be difficult. Companies often struggle between building an in-house team or bringing in outside experts. 

Each approach has its own set of advantages and pitfalls.

In this article, we will explain the pros and cons of in-house and outsourced software development. We'll discuss factors such as cost, control and flexibility to help you understand how each option aligns with your business goals.

What is a In House?

In-house software development refers to the creation of software using a company's in-house team rather than outsourcing it. It provides total control over the development process, ensuring alignment with the company's objectives. 

  • Long-term projects: Your project requires continuous upgrades, maintenance or is critical to your business.
  • Full control: You need full control over development, security and data management.
  • Complex requirements: The project involves complex, proprietary technology that requires deep integration with existing systems.
  • Collaboration: A high level of day-to-day collaboration between developers and other departments is essential.

What is Outsourcing Software Development?

Outsourcing software development involves hiring external teams or companies to create software, often to save costs and access specialized talent. 

This approach can reduce development costs by up to 60%, especially when outsourced to regions such as Latin America.

Lecture Recomended: Outstaffing vs Outsourcing: Which is better in 2024?

How do you Know if you need to Outsource Software Development? 

It is ideal for projects that require specific expertise or faster delivery. 

You may need to outsource software development if:

  1. Cost Savings: You want to reduce expenses by up to 60%, especially if your budget is limited.
  2. Specialized Skills: Your project requires expertise not available in-house.
  3. Time Constraints: You need to accelerate development to meet tight deadlines.
  4. Flexibility: You need to scale your team quickly without long-term commitments.
  5. Limited Resources: Your company lacks the necessary infrastructure or talent to handle the project internally.

Differences between in House and Outsourcing Software Development

In-house software development means using your internal team, which offers full control and close collaboration, but at a higher cost: U.S. developers earn between $80,000 and $150,000 per year. 

Outsourcing provides access to specialized talent from around the world at a lower cost, which can reduce expenses by up to 60%, but with less direct control and potential communication problems.

Aspect In-House Software Development Outsourcing Software Development
Cost Higher costs, with US developers earning $80,000 to $150,000 annually. Lower costs, potentially saving up to 60%.
Control Full control over the development process. Less direct control, reliant on external management.
Collaboration Direct, daily interaction with the internal team. Communication may be more complex across different time zones.
Scalability Slower to scale, requires more resources to expand the team. Flexible and quick scalability with external teams.
Expertise Relies on the internal team's skills and knowledge. Access to a broader pool of specialized global talent.
Time to Market Potentially longer due to in-house resource constraints. Often faster, as outsourcing can bring in ready-to-go teams.
Infrastructure Needs Requires significant investment in technology and resources. External providers handle infrastructure requirements.

Pros and cons Between in house and Outsourcing Software Development

Aspect In-House Software Development Outsourcing Software Development
  • Full control over the project.
  • Easier to ensure alignment with company culture and goals.
  • Direct collaboration with the internal team.
  • Cost savings of up to 60%.
  • Access to specialized talent globally.
  • Faster scalability and flexibility.
  • Higher costs, especially in regions like the US.
  • Longer time to hire and scale the team.
  • Requires significant investment in infrastructure and ongoing management.
  • Less direct control over the project.
  • Potential communication challenges across time zones.
  • Dependency on external teams, which may impact project continuity and security concerns.

Average price of in House Software Development

The average price of in-house software development in the US ranges from $80,000 to $150,000 per developer annually. This includes salaries, benefits, and overhead costs. 

Average price of outsourcing software development

The average price of outsourcing software development typically ranges from $30 to $100 per hour, depending on the region and expertise. 

Braintly's Squads Subscription offers a clear advantage over traditional outsourcing by providing an all-inclusive fixed fee for a dedicated team. Here's how it stands out:

  • Predictable costs: Unlike hourly billing, our subscription model offers a clear, fixed monthly fee.

  • Dedicated team: You have a dedicated team, including a team leader, developer and QA, working exclusively on your project.

  • Faster delivery: Our model emphasizes fast delivery, often completing projects in weeks rather than months. This is made possible by our streamlined processes and top-notch LATAM talent.

  • No hidden costs: All aspects of the development process are included in the subscription, eliminating unexpected costs and simplifying financial planning.

Overall, Braintly’s Squads Subscription combines cost-efficiency with high-quality, agile development, making it a compelling choice for businesses seeking both flexibility and expertise.

Key points: In house Software Development vs Outsourcing Software Development

Here are the key points comparing in-house software development to outsourcing:

  • Cost: In-house development is generally more expensive, with US salaries ranging from $80,000 to $150,000 annually per developer.
    Outsourcing can cut costs by up to 60%, especially in regions like Latin America.

  • Control: In-house teams offer full control over the development process, whereas outsourcing involves less direct oversight, relying on external management.

  • Expertise: Outsourcing provides access to a wide range of specialized skills and global talent, while in-house relies on internal resources and may require additional hiring.

  • Scalability: Outsourcing allows for quick scaling of resources, whereas in-house development requires more time and investment to expand the team.

In-House Software Development is ideal if you require full control over the project, seamless integration with your internal teams, and are prepared for the higher costs associated with salaries, benefits, and infrastructure. 

Outsourcing Software Development offers significant cost savings—up to 60%—and provides access to specialized talent and flexible scaling options. It’s well-suited for projects that need quick turnaround.

With Our software Braintly offers a cost-effective solution with its Squads Subscription model, providing dedicated, top-tier LATAM talent at a fixed monthly rate. 

FAQs: In House vs Outsourcing Software Development

Is in-house better than outsourcing? 

It depends on your needs. In-house offers control and integration but is more costly. Outsourcing is more cost-effective and flexible but involves less direct oversight.

What is the difference between in-house development and outsourcing? 

In-house provides full control and integration, while outsourcing offers cost savings and access to global talent.

What is the difference between IT acquisition outsource and in-house? 

Outsourcing IT acquisition involves hiring external providers, while in-house means managing IT internally with your own resources.

How do you decide in-house or outsourced? 

Consider factors like budget, required expertise, control, and project scale to choose the best approach.