How Virtual Vision Saved $300k And Reduced Time to Hire

FDA-registered VR device backed by over two years of research and development at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.

Company Size
Florida, USA

Faster Time-to-Hire

20 days

to place the first engineer

Money Saved


compared to US rates


1-2 hours

almost same time.


Project Summary

The client

Their mission is to transform the way eyecare professionals diagnose and manage ocular conditions by providing the most advanced and versatile testing solutions.


Virtual Vision faced significant challenges in hiring skilled VR developers while adhering to tight budget constraints. The demand for talented developers in the virtual reality space often exceeded the available resources, making it difficult to attract high-quality candidates without overspending.


We connected Virtual Vision with a skilled team of 1 VR developer, 1 full-stack engineer, and 1 DevOps specialist in record time, enabling them to build their cutting-edge healthcare platform. By leveraging our talent network, we saved them over $300,000 annually compared to hiring locally, while ensuring exceptional quality and cultural fit. Our rapid deployment and cost-effective solution empowered Virtual Vision to accelerate their development roadmap and deliver innovative virtual care experiences to their clients.


Time To Hire: We improved 3x time to hire to place engineers.

Cost-Efficient: They saved 40% in overhead costs.

Spin-off: Part of the team is now working in a new whole product.

Working with Virtual Vision has been a fantastic experience. Their commitment to innovation and excellence in healthcare technology inspires our team every day, and together, we're making a meaningful impact on patient care

Federico Deprez
COO - Braintly


The Challenge

The demand for developers with expertise in virtual reality and healthcare technology often outpaced available resources, making it difficult to attract high-quality candidates affordably.They needed VR developers who understood immersive experiences and user interaction design, along with full-stack engineers capable of integrating front-end and back-end systems. Additionally, DevOps engineers were essential for streamlining development and deployment processes, requiring knowledge of cloud infrastructure and automation tools.

Beyond technical skills, finding candidates who aligned with the company’s culture and values was crucial for fostering collaboration and innovation. Balancing the need for exceptional talent with cost-effectiveness and cultural fit called for a strategic approach to recruitment.


What we did

Defined roles, expectations, skills and goals.

We screened the best talent in our vetted software engineers database.

The client met the candidates and hand-picked those aligned with their goals and culture. We did the heavy lifting. they did the fine tunning.

We work together as a team to on-board this whole new team to the existing engineering team.

The Result: One team, ready for success.



Talent Acquisition

  • Quick Access: Tap into a pool of pre-vetted VR, full-stack, and DevOps engineers from Latin America for fast deployment.
  • Skill Matching: Use AI to find the right technical fit for your projects.
  • Cultural Fit: Ensure candidates align with your company culture through targeted assessments.

Remote Collaboration

  • Smooth Onboarding: Tailored onboarding programs for quick integration.
  • Essential Tools: Provide collaboration tools seamless communication.
  • Time Zone Alignment: Select engineers in overlapping time zones for real-time teamwork.
  • Team Building: Regular check-ins and virtual activities to foster connection.

Cost Efficiency

  • Affordable Rates: Save significantly by hiring skilled professionals from LATAM.
  • Clear Pricing: Transparent pricing for better budget management.
  • Quality Focus: Maintain high standards with regular quality checks.
  • Ongoing Training: Continuous learning for the team at no extra cost.


About the Company

Their mission is to transform the way eyecare professionals diagnose and manage ocular conditions by providing the most advanced and versatile testing solutions. Our Virtual Eye device uses cloud-based, state-of-the-art virtual reality technology to conduct standard-of-care visual field testing without the constraints or discomfort of traditional SAP devices.



The impact of Virtual Vision as a healthcare technology company extends far beyond its innovative VR solutions. By enhancing patient engagement and improving access to care, Virtual Vision plays a crucial role in shaping healthier communities. The integration of advanced technology in healthcare not only streamlines processes but also addresses the growing demand for effective treatment options, particularly as demographics shift and the population ages. As Virtual Vision continues to evolve, its commitment to delivering high-quality, accessible healthcare solutions will significantly contribute to the overall well-being of the population, fostering a healthier future for all.

Why us?

Our service excels in product redesign, building and launching new features, and improving overall performance. We're dedicated to getting your startup ready to scale up.

Any Questions?

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